Diplomatic and consular missions of Kazakhstan abroad
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Austria:
Botschaft von Kasachstan Felix-Mottl-Str. 23, A-1190 Wien
Phone: (8-10-431) 367-91-22;
Fax: (8-10-431) 367-91-75
E-mail: embassy@kazakhstan.at
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Belgium:
Avenue Van Bever, 30, 1180 Bruxelles Belgique
Phone: (8-10-322) 374-95-62;
Fax: (8-10-322) 374-50-91
E-mail: kazakstan.embassy@swing.be
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Hungary:
Budapest Kapy u. 59 Budapest, 1025 Hungary
Phone: (8-10-361) 275-13-01;
Fax: (8-10-361) 275-20-92
E-mail: kazak@axelero.hu
Embassy of Kazakhstan in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
33 Thurloe Square, London SW7 2SD
Phone: (8-10-44-207) 581-46-46;
Fax: (8-10-44-207) 584-84-81
Web-site: www.kazakhstanembassy.org.uk/
E-mail: london@kazakhstan-embassy.org.uk
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Germany:
Bundesrepublik Deutshland Nordendstrasse 14-17, D-13156 Berlin
Phone: (8-10-4930) 470-07-111, 470-07-160,
Fax: (8-10-4930) 470-07-125
Web-site: www.botschaft-kasachstan.de
E-mail: kasqer@ndh.net
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Egypt:
4 Abay Kunanbayuli Str., New Maadi, Cairo city, Egypt
Phone: (8-10-202) 380-92-71;
Fax: (8-10-202) 358-65-46
E-mail: kazaemb@intouch.com
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Iran:
4, North Hedayat St.,Corner of Masjed Alley, Darrus, Tehran-I.R of Iran
Phone: (8-10-9821) 256-59-33,256-52-71;
Fax: (8-10-9821) 254-64-00
E-mail: kazembir@apadana.com
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Israel:
270, Hayarkon Str.,Tel Aviv 63504, Israel
Phone: (8-10-9723) 604-33-49/57;
Fax: (8-10-9723)604-33-64
Web-site: www.kazakhemb.org.il
E-mail: kzisrael@netvision.net.il
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Italy:
Piazza Farnese 101, int. 3, 00186 - Roma, Italia
Phone: (8-10-3906) 688-08-640, 688-08-690;
Fax: (8-10-3906) 688-91-360
Web-site: www.embkaz.it
E-mail: kazakstan.emb@agora.stm.it
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Spain:
C/ Cascanucces, 25 Parque Conde de Orgaz, 28043 MADRID
Phone: (8-10-3491) 721-62-94, 721-62-90;
Fax: (8-10-3491) 721-93-74
Web-site: www.kazesp.org
E-mail: embajada@kazesp.org
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Canada:
347 Bay street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2R7
Phone: (8-10-1416) 593-40-43;
Fax: (8-10-1416) 593-40-37
E-mail: kazconscan@on.aibn.com
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Poland:
Krolowej Marysienki 14 02-954 Warszawa
Krolowej Marysienki 14 02-954 Warszawa
Phone: (8-10-48-22) 642-27-63;
Fax: (8-10-48-22) 642-34-27
Web-site: www.kazakhstan.pl
E-mail: kazdipmis@hot.pl
Embassy of Kazakhstan in the United States of America:
1401 16th Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20036
Phone: (8-10-1202) 232-5488,550-96-17;
Fax: (8-10-1202) 232-5845
Web-site: www.kazakhembus.com
E-mail: washington@kazakhembus.com
Embassy of Kazakhstan in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
Riyadh 11693 P.O. Box 94012, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone: (8-10-9661) 455-14-88, 470-18-39;
Fax: (8-10-9661) 454-73-04
E-mail: office@kazembgulf.net
Embassy of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Lithuania:
Akmenu 7, LT-2009, Vilnius, Lietuva
Phone: (8-10-370-5) 212-21-23, 231-35-71;
Fax: (8-10-370-5) 231-35-80
Web-site: www.kazakhstan.embassy.lt
E-mail: kazemb@iti.jt
Embassy of Kazakhstan in France:
59, rue Pierre Charron, 75008 Paris, France
Phone: (8-10-331) 456-15-206, 456-15-206;
Fax: (8-10-331) 456-15-201
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Switzerland:
Alleweg 15, CH 3006 Bern, Suisse
Phone: (8-10-4131) 351-79-69;
Fax: (8-10-4131) 351-79-75
Web-site: http://missions.itu.int/~kazaks/
Embassy of Kazakhstan in the Czech Republic:
160 00 Praha 6, ul. Romaina Rolanda 12
Phone: (8-10-420) 233-375-643;
Fax: (8-10-420) 233-375-642
E-mail: kzembas@bon.cz