Kyrgyz traditions and customs

In the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, people are paying great attention to the traditions and customs of their people, which have their origins in ancient times and have survived to this day.

Turko is a Mongolian nomadic culture that had a great influence on the development and formation of Kyrgyz traditions. The spiritual culture of the Kirghiz people is in constant renewal and intertwined with the ancient and modern.

Eastern hospitality, at the very beginning, was the main and beautiful custom in these lands. It has been saved to the present day. In the Republic, in any home, you are always welcome. The locals are willing to give you a drink of delicious tea and treat you to their delicacies.

Even if the family does not have much wealth, they will offer you a roof over your head.
The traditions of the people have formed over the centuries and are today interesting to many travelers and researchers.

For example, the Kirghiz lead a nomadic life to this day. Nomads live in special houses, which are very convenient. They are called yurts and have a wooden base. The dome-shaped tent does not have a lot of weight, and it is easy to carry from place to place. At the center of the tent is a hole for the exit, and the walls are covered with mats and felt material. The yurt is divided into two parts: the male and the female. In the center is a hearth.

Kyrgyz clothing consisted mainly of coarse calico or gingham shirts and drawstring pants. They put on a camisole with a bathrobe. In the winter, they wear coats of wool.

Traditions and customs have affected our way of life, housing, national clothes, as well as public holidays. For example, matchmaking, marriage, birth, and funerals.
Musicians were invited on holidays and prepared a table with treats. In addition, of course, what holiday would be complete without a few of the nation's favorite games?

Sports and national games are fascinating and interesting spectacles. There, participants can show not only their strength, but also their agility and intelligence.
Most of the games in Kyrgyzstan are associated with horses.

For example, "Alaman Baige" is racing at a distance of 20–30 km. "Jorge-salysh"-racing at a distance of 2-10 km. A struggle on powerful horses and "Kiz Kuumai" is a game of catch-up with the Kazakhs. The goal is for that person to catch up with the woman on horseback. If he catches up with her, then he can ask her to marry him, and if not, then he has to realize her desire. "Jumbo atma" refers to aiming at a target. In "Tyyin Enmei," riders had to pick up money from the land without stopping, which, in this case, was in shallow pits. There are many other interesting games.
If you look into the history of worship, then a man was considered the head of the family, and a woman did not have the right to vote or to obey him in everything. However, when her husband died, the children did not remain with their mother. They moved to the house of their father’s relatives.

Men were buried according to the rules of the Muslim world. That means on the first day before sunrise. When women died, the wake couldn't keep up.